

[24-11] Self-Assembly of Chiral Ligands on 2D Semiconductor Nanoplatelets for High Circular Dichroism
Henri Lehouelleur, Hong Po, Lina Makké, Ningyuan Fu, Leonardo Curti, Corentin Dabard, Céline Roux-Byl, Benoit Baptiste, Nathan J. Van Zee, Thomas Pons, Emmanuel Lhuillier, Jing Li, Sandrine Ithurria*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 45, 30871–30882.

[24-10] Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of gem-Difluorocyclopropenyl Ketones: The Synthesis and Functionalization of Enantioenriched cis gem-Difluorocyclopropyl Ketones
O. Charron, M. Kosiuha, P. Phansavath, V. Ratovelomanana-Vidal, G. Gontard, C. Meyer
J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 14073-14080.

[24-9] Visible Light Excitation of Poly-(para-Phenylene Ethynylene) Enables Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Oxidations of Amines in Flow
B. Weyl, G. Goujon, L. Raggio, E. Demey, J. Vinh, J.-B. d’Espinose de Lacaillerie, J.-M. Krafft, B. Laroche
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, asap.,

[24-8] Counterintuitive Viscoelasticity of Supramolecular Polymer Networks Driven by Coassembly with Water Molecules
E. Vereroudakis, N. A. Burger, L. Bouteiller, B. Loppinet, E. W. Meijer, D. Vlassopoulos, N. J. Van Zee
Macromol. 2024, 57, 9030–9040,

[24-7] Cross-Linking Vitrimers after Melt Processing Using Supramolecularly Masked Dynamic Cross-Linkers
G. J. M. Formon, J. Jayaratnam, C. Guibert, N. J. Van Zee, R. Nicolaÿ
Macromol. 2024, 57, 8277–8286,

[24-6] Shear-induced phase behavior of bidisperse jammed suspensions of soft particles
Rakan Alrashdan; Harry Kojo Yankah; Michel Cloître; Fardin Khabaz
Physics of Fluids 36 2024, 073333,

[24-5] Iron-catalyzed Light-driven Decarboxylative Alkoxyamination
M. Innocent, C. Tanguy, S. Gavelle, T. Aubineau, A. Guérinot
Chem. Eur. J. 2024, e20241252, DOI:/10.1002/chem.202401252

[24-4] Resolving the relaxation complexity of vitrimers: Time-temperature superpositions of a time-temperature non-equivalent system
P. Edera, S. Chappuis, M. Cloitre, F. Tournilhac
Polymer 2024, 299, 126916, DOI:/10.1016/j.polymer.2024.126916

[24-3] Dual reconfigurable network from a semi-crystalline functional polyolefin
D. Ciardi, B. Rigatelli, E. Richaud, M. Cloitre, F. Tournilhac
Polymer 2024, 297, 126864, DOI:10.1016/j.polymer.2024.126864

[24-2] Improving the Thermomechanical Properties and Processability of Elastomeric Vitrimers Using Thermoreversible Organic Nanofillers
A. Quinteros-Sedano, B. Bresson, N. J. Van Zee, R. Nicolaÿ
ACS Materials Letters 2024, 6, 3, 877–884, DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.4c00076

[24-1] Upcycling Polyolefin Blends into High-Performance Materials by Exploiting Azidotriazine Chemistry Using Reactive Extrusion
T. Vialon, H. Sun, G.J.M. Formon, P. Galanopoulo, C. Guibert, F. Averseng, M.-N. Rager, A. Percot, Y. Guillaneuf, N.J. Van Zee, R. Nicolaÿ
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024, 146, 4, 2673–2684 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c12303


[23-16] PEG-Based Photo-Cross-Linked Networks with Adjustable Topologies and Mechanical Properties
M. Roquart, A. Kharlamova, L.M. Celada, S. Norvez, R. Nicolaÿ, L. Corté
Biomacromolecules 2023, 24, 4454-4464 ; DOI:10.1021/acs.biomac.2c01265

[23-15] Epoxy Vitrimer Materials by Lipase-Catalyzed Network Formation and Exchange Reactions
C. Bakkali-Hassani, P. Edera, J. Langenbach, Q.-A. Poutrel, S. Norvez, M. Gresil, F. Tournilhac
ACS Macro Letters 2023, 12, 338−343, DOI:10.1021/acsmacrolett.2c00715

[23-14] Repeated shear startup response of a supramolecular polymer
E. Vereroudakis, N. J. Van Zee, E. W. Meijer, D. Vlassopoulos
Journal of Non-Netwonian Fluid Mechanics 2023, 315, 105021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2023.105021

[23-13] Broadening the product portfolio with cellulose and lignin nanoparticles in an elephant grass biorefinery
E Scopel, C.H.M. Camargos, L.O. Pinto, H. Trevisan, E.S. Ferreira, C.A. Rezende
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 2023, 17, 859-872; DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2476

[23-12] Thermolatent Heterogeneous EpoxyAcid Formulation for the Manufacture of Preimpregnated Sheets and Composites with Vitrimer Properties
Q.-A. Poutrel, I. Retailleau, U. Lafont, O. Damiano, F. Tournilhac
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2023, 5, 6095–6106. DOI:10.1021/acsapm.3c00778

[23-11] The liquid-to-solid transition of FUS is promoted by the condensate surface
Y. Shen , A. Chen, W. Wang, Y. Shen, F. S. Ruggeri , S. Aime et al.
PNAS 2023, 10, e2301366120, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2301366120

[23-11] Deformation mechanisms in PBT at elevated temperatures
L. Farge, F. Tournilhac, S. Hoppe, J. Perez, I. Bihannic, J. Bianchin, Q.-A. Poutrel, J. Boisse, S. André
Materials Today Communications 2023, 36, 106774, DOI:/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106774

[23-10] Exploiting the use of (decarboxylative) S-alkylation reaction to produce self-blowing, recyclable polycarbonate foams
T. Abbasoglu, D. Ciardi, F. Tournilhac, L. Irusta, H. Sardon
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202308339 ; DOI:/10.1002/anie.202308339

[23-9] Overcoming the Tradeoff Between Processability and Mechanical Performance of Elastomeric Vitrimers
G.J.M. Formon, S. Storch, A.Y.-G. Delplanque, B. Bresson, N.J. Van Zee, R. Nicolaÿ
Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33, 2306065 ; DOI:/10.1002/adfm.202306065

[23-8] Radical addition reactions to cyclopropenes
Gauthier Lefebvre, Olivier Charron and Christophe Meyer
Arkivoc 2024, 2, 202312099.

[23-7] Iron-Catalyzed, Light-Driven Decarboxylative Oxygenation
Milan Innocent, Gabin Lalande, François Cam, Thomas Aubineau, Amandine Guérinot
Eur. J. Org. Chem 2023, 26, e202300892.

[23-6] Synthesis of 1,3-disubstituted bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes by cross-coupling induced by transition metals – formation of C–C bonds
Tomohiro Yasukawa, Katja S. Håheim and Janine Cossy
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2023, 21, 7666-7680.

[23-5] Design, Characterization and Evaluation of a Lab-made Photoreactor: A First Step Towards Standardized Procedures in Photocatalysis
Thomas Aubineau, Justine Laurent, Ludovic Olanier, Amandine Guérinot
Chem. Methods 2023, early view.

[23-4] Synthesis of trifluoromethyl N,N-aminals from nitrogen containing heterocycles by using a plasma flow microreactor
Elias Abedelnour, Stephanie Ognier, Olivier Venier, Laurent Schio, Michael Tatoulian, Janine Cossy
Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 4213-4216.

[23-3] Synthesis of Five-Membered exo-Glycals from Six-Membered 2-Iodo-endo-glycals
Paul C. Ruer, Youssef Nassar, Peter Polàk, Janine Cossy
J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 7228–7232.

[23-2] SO2-Extrusive 1,4-(Het)Aryl Migration: Synthesis of α-Aryl Amides and Related Reactions
Nicolas G.-Simonian, Amandine Guérinot, Janince Cossy
Synthesis 2023, 55, 1616-1641.

[23-1] Synthesis of Five-Membered exo-Glycals from Six-Membered 2-Iodo-endo-glycals
Paul C. Ruer, Youssef Nassar, Peter Polàk and Janine Cossy
J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 7228–7232.
